zaterdag 25 oktober 2014

speech contest!, Q&A

hello everyone , today a short update ,

yesterday I had a speech contest, I am not easily nervous but I was REALLY nervous.
I have only two months experience with the Japanese language and there were people participating who have been in japan for more than 5 years , so yhea i did not have  high expectations ,
but I did my best and I had a lot of fun.
my speech was about the differences between the Netherlands and Japan, a lot of people helped me with the speech(Japanese pronunciation is sometimes so hard -__-'') thank you guys !!

because i get a lot of questions about my exchange year and my Japanese live I will answer them now.

1)Q:you are here for two months , how do you feel ? , are you still so excited as you were in the beginning?
A:(wow two months, the time is going to fast T__T) yes I still enjoy my Japanese live,
of course I am still excited a lot of things are still new for me ,but of course the 'being new in all this ' feeling is gone I guess, But it is in a good way , I feel more comfortable with the language and other stuff (like trains....)

2)Q: Is your live like a Japanese anime ( I get this question ALOT)
  A: .. ehh I don't think so? , wel to be honest if you watch anime , some things in anime never          happen in real live, ( I am not talking about the magic stuff-__-'')
 like i've never seen people eating on a roof of the school ( sorry if I break your imagination about Japan...)

3)Q: do you've been already homesick?
   A: to be honest not really of course sometimes i feel lonely ( last less than 5 sec)
but no I am not  home sick or have been homesick.

4)Q: can you descripe a daily day in your Japanese live ?
   A: I normaly wake up around 6:15am (after 2 alarm clocks.... )
        around 7:00am  I will go with my host dad to the train station
        ( he is going with the same train but steps out a few stations earlier)
        I will arrive around 8.00 at my school, i the classes are to hard for me (like politics)
        i will study in  the library , on monday and friday i have club until 18.00
       otherwise i will be home at 16.00

well that was it for today , I hope you enjoyed this short update bye!
p.s iknow reading this page is really weird i have no idea why it is like that or how to fix , so sorry >.<

                                                           speech contest souvenirs :p

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